Thank you for taking action!

Thanks for making your voice heard. Now, take the next step and support our efforts to end poverty with a donation. We’ll put your gift to work immediately helping provide all Californians with the tools to build financial well-being and thrive. Your donation today will support these critical efforts at a time when millions of people across the state are struggling with poverty.


Contribute all year long and make a difference in ending poverty in california

You will receive periodic communications from GSO. You may unsubscribe at any time.

Thanks for making your voice heard. Now, take the next step and support our efforts to end poverty with a donation. We’ll put your gift to work immediately helping provide all Californians with the tools to build financial well-being and thrive. Your donation today will support these critical efforts at a time when millions of people across the state are struggling with poverty.

Other Ways to Give

Your monthly donation fuels our work to end poverty. Set-up monthly giving

You can help end poverty by connecting low-income communities with the resources they need by mailing a check payable to Golden State Opportunity to:

Golden State Opportunity
345 California Street, #600
San Francisco, CA 94104

Your stock gift is tax deductible and fuels powerful change. Please contact Head of Development Robin Engle at to help initiate the process.

One of the easiest ways to make a legacy gift is to include Golden State Opportunity in your will or trust. Learn more about setting up a legacy gift by contacting Ari Breakstone, Director of Development at

Your business or nonprofit can fuel powerful change and receive recognition by becoming a GSO business partner. Please contact Ari Breakstone, Director of Development at

Your foundation, family fund or donor advised fund can fuel powerful change as a part of our community of funders. Please contact Ari Breakstone, Director of Development at to become a GSO funder.

Partner with GSO to advance the economic well-being of California families and help all Californians thrive.

Parter with GSO